Meet our members! This year, 58 people have signed up to be part of our group. They are located throughout the Rocky Mountain Region: Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming.
Join us!
Fill out the membership form and become a member. We are now accepting payment through our Store - so complete your membership application and click on the type of membership you are choosing. Mail the form to the address on the form or you can scan the form and email it to Thanks - We are excited to make it easy for you!
If you are a member of the club & are not receiving a monthly email newsletter, please email us to make sure you’re added to the membership mailing list.
Club membership:
There are three (3) classes of membership: Individual, Family, and Professional. Individual members and Family members are eligible to be full voting members of this association and to be members of the Board of Directors. Members of KIHC who join more than one Chapter can be a full voting member in only one Chapter. Members of more than one Chapter must indicate on their membership form the Chapter in which they will be voting. Professional membership (non-voting) is open to members voting in another Chapter.
Member Spotlight
"Smelling the Flowers" portrait of Julia's 2 month old colt, Uller. She captured his essence perfectly!
People say artists are born, and Chris's story supports that theory. From her earliest years, she was fascinated by her surroundings, the colors and shapes and textures she found in nature. When she was old enough to hold a crayon, she began translating what she saw into images that delighted and amazed the people who saw them. She has a very painterly style that is bold and powerful in color and movement. She has genius creating depth and vibrancy in much the style of Van Gogh.
Chris has always loved horses, and was apprenticed by Candy, the working ranch horse, on her Grandfather's farm. She did Pony Club camp and rode with the local riding club. Practicing barback, Western and English styles, her Welsh-Thoroughbred cross. He was her muse/instructor and then when she grew up... She didn't have time or a place for a horse. She was working and raising her children.
Her Mother introduced her to Icelandics, who was inspired by Bokur, the only horse that was on the ground every day for the Great American Horse Race, never sick or lame. Now Chris lives with her husband, two Icelandic's, two cats, a dog, eight old chickens in the beautiful high desert and artistic culture of New Mexico.
In November, she had her first solo art show in Sante Fe, I (Julia) was lucky enough to attend.
Through color, texture and form, she stylistically interprets the world she experiences and then shares that insight. A true artist, she brings inspiration and appreciation to our community.
Lifelong passionate student of art, Chris Pennington has a wealth of experience in portaiture, landscape art, and commercial design. She says nature is her muse. Formally educated in classical fine arts with a BFA in graphic design to informal study through travel, experimentation, and collaboration.
She creates graphic designs for their T-shirt shop that has blessed many horse events and clinic witeh unique equine art.
USIHC Committee Volunteers
Breeding: Coralie
Affiliated Club: Angie
Education: Coralie
Leisure Riding: Iris
Sport: Kristina & Ulla
Quarterly: Florie
Member list 2019 as of 02-06-19
Angie, Elizabeth, CO
Kristina, Cheyenne, WY
Maile, Cheyenne, WY
Ziggy, Cheyenne, WY
Rene, Brighton, CO
Elyse and Josef, Sandia Park, NM
Julia, Fairplay, CO
Sandy, Thermopolis, WY
Mary, La Porte, CO
Susan, Edgewood, NM
Jenny, Chris & Julian, Yoder, CO
Julie, Alburquerque, NM
Beth, Byers, CO
Iris, Boulder, CO
Ulla & Patrick, Edgewood, NM
Darlene & Zoe, Monument, CO
Ellen, Arvada, CO
Sasha, Aurora, CO
Barbara & Steven, San Christobal, NM
LeeAnn, Wanship, UT
Chris, Moriarty NM
Jeff & Abby, Longmont, CO
Kristina, Magna, UT
Thomas, Estancia, NM
Beth, Larkspur, CO
Ruth, Mills WY
Melissa, Bayfield, CO
Nihla, Dolores, CO
Kristen, Conifer, CO
Margaret, Pacific Palisades, CA