Club Members may list their tack for sale for free. Please email your listing details, including price, photo, and contact info to klettafjallaihc@gmail.com.
NEW TACK NEWS! Tolt Tack is now owned and operated out of Wyoming by Kristina, Meile, and Ziggy Behringer! The Behringers look forward to providing the same great products and gifts for Icelandic horses, as well as expanding merchandise lines. Custom orders are welcome, as are any inquiry or feedback. www.tolttack.com
Icelandic Sweater
M/L Icelandic Sweater. $50. florievos (at) yahoo.com
NEW TACK NEWS! Tolt Tack is now owned and operated out of Wyoming by Kristina, Meile, and Ziggy Behringer! The Behringers look forward to providing the same great products and gifts for Icelandic horses, as well as expanding merchandise lines. Custom orders are welcome, as are any inquiry or feedback. www.tolttack.com